Botswana Association of Local Authorities

The government of Botswana has through the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development in collaboration with Botswana Association of Local Authorities developed a

framework for the implementation of Local Economic Development (LED), a territorial based approach with the engagement of all stakeholders to explore opportunities and resources endowment and improve the livelihoods of local communities. This is an approach to development that every civil leader and for that matter all in local leadership cannot afford to take for granted. The LED approach ensures that no community and/or individual are left behind to derive economic and social benefits from the various development initiatives, programmes and plans. The LED framework presents the necessary tools for stakeholder engagement and resource mobilisation for economic exploitation of resources resident within localities. With total commitment from all players economic transformation of this country and its districts is indeed an achievable feat. It should thus become a none negotiable goal that all role players strive to achieve prosperity for our country and our people. Duty dearers, private sector and the general public using LED tools need to ensure that social ills such as hunger, poverty, crime and inequalities become a thing of the past.

Implementation of LED  Framework

The pilot  project on Enhancing Service Delivery in Botswana implemented by Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development and BALA, supported by Commonwealth Local Government  Forum and United Nations Development Programme was complemented in March 2017. The project produced a National LED Framework for Botswana which is to be rolled out the rest of the councils. Additionally and building on the tools produced by the P3 project, the study developed tools for sustainable implementation of local economic development engaging communities to hammers resources within their localities for economic activity to thrive.

© BALA 2021