Botswana Association of Local Authorities

BALA is an association that was formed in 1983 as a vehicle to drive the promotion of unity, solidarity and cooperation among local authorities.The organisation's founders envisioned BALA playing a key role in building a strong, democratic and development local government in Botswana.With a membership constituted by councilors and chief executives of councils as well as councils themselves as corporate members, BALA has struggled over the years to gain the recognition it deserves and to claim an influential role in national affairs.

BALA was established to promote unity,solidarity, cohesion and coorperation among Local Authorities in Botswana. The Association is constituted by Councilors and Chief Executives of Councils, as well as Councils themselves as Corporate Members. The Association was eestablished at a time when the number of tasks delegated to councils saw a rapid increase. As a results of this increase, there was a greater need for information, exchange of experience, and for an organization that could represent the interests of its members. The over-riding objective of BALA's establishment was to contribute towards a strong, democratic and development local government in Botswana.

© BALA 2021