- Reginal Commission being tje regional structure comprising of branches in geographic territory primarilymandated to serve as a subcomittee of the Executive Committe at the regional level.The regionalcommission will consider policy issues for recommendation to the general members assembly for adoption. Download Terms of Reference
- LED Commission,being pivot of the implementation of the national LED Framework implementation. Thenational vision aspires for prosperity for all by the year 2036, this can only be realised by a robust all-inclusive economic activity at the local levels. Download Terms of Reference
- Gender Commission, to drive issue of gender mainstreaming and gender parity in the development process Botswana being the signatory to the SADC Gender Protocols has vested interest inensuring gender balance in decision making processes, thus the need for the gender commission to develop strategic interventions to ensure gender sebsitive policies. Download Terms of Reference
- Youth Commisision for purpose of articulating issues pertaining to the youth and ensuring that they claim and play their partin the development process. The youth are critical constituency in the policy formulation especially arrount issue affecting them especially decission making and undemployment. Download Terms of Reference
- Finanance Commission, to explore avenues for local authorities to identify sources for raising own revenue to complement revenue support from government. Government funding alone will not be able tomeet the demands of the development and service delivery without input from other key stakeholders. Download Terms of Reference
- Welfare Commission, to negotiate and develop welfare initiatives for staff, so as to ensure a healthyworkforce capable of delivery quality service to the general public. There is need to maintain a healthy workforce mentally, physically and socially if we are toeffectively deliver on our mandate. Let me implore you to acquaint yourselves with the demands of agendas, protocols and plans for the smooth running of the movement and the tier of government charged with service delivery and local government processes.